Bluepoint Games masterfully reintroduced players to the Kingdom of Boletaria and modernized Demon's Souls' progenitor Souls-like experience to leave many blown away by the result. Demon's Souls' remake impressed players beyond what the Dark Souls series had accomplished, little doubt due to a refreshing combination of its subtley unique gameplay and breathtaking visuals. Offering the first must-have title for PS5, Demon's Souls also presented players with a new definitive Souls adventure. Some subtle changes to the overall game left nearly all of what originally made the title great shine even brighter alongside some of the best-looking visuals PS5 had at launch. Visual Overhaul of Dark Souls 2 - change Lighting and somewhat atmosphere of nearly all locations- lightning color change (mix of gold and blue)- better text and font ( victory, you died, bonfire lit, etc.

Genuinely showcasing the difference between a remake and a remaster, 2020's PlayStation 5 version of Demon's Souls stands as the highest-rated title in FromSoftware's Souls series. At launch, critics adored the remake and found it to be as faithful as it was enjoyable.